Is Loki Alive and Posing as Bruce Banner?
So in Infinity war every character has given their best except one ,Bruce banner(HULK).Before the release of infinity war , Kevin Feige said that we are going to lose one of our favorite character and the same thing happened ,after getting the infinity stone Thanos killed Loki . But there is a problem , does killing loki is that much easy? And Bruce banner was just out of form.After watching all this thing , a man name JOSH DICKE a entertainment journalist proposed a fan theory that LOKI is not dead he is just posing as bruce banner.
Now after getting this news many marvel fans are saying that loki is alive and is hiding in plane sight as bruce banner.This theory has got a points lets discuss few more points to support this thoery.
Now after getting this news many marvel fans are saying that loki is alive and is hiding in plane sight as bruce banner.This theory has got a points lets discuss few more points to support this thoery.
Our hulk who was able to give a slam to Hela's wolf lost to thanos too easily and quickly.Leaving defeat he just went flat . Before infinity war we all were waiting for one thing,hulk vs thanos because core marvel fans know that hulk is one those character who could give a fight to thanos .If we have a look at the events of ragnarok where hulk given a big punch to Surtur (who is the destroyer of asgard)
The secret of bruce banner becoming hulk is that he is always angry but when banner came to earth he wasn't looking like that. In the whole movie bruce was not able to become hulk at any part .Many fans are saying this that hulk was afraid to come out after the fight of Thanos on which the Russo brothers replied that hulk is just fed up of fighting which is lame excuse.If we believe this also then what happened when it came to taking out of mind stone from vision's head . In marvels smartest list shuri is way below bruce banner besides bruce and tony are the one who brought vision to life.
The secret of bruce banner becoming hulk is that he is always angry but when banner came to earth he wasn't looking like that. In the whole movie bruce was not able to become hulk at any part .Many fans are saying this that hulk was afraid to come out after the fight of Thanos on which the Russo brothers replied that hulk is just fed up of fighting which is lame excuse.If we believe this also then what happened when it came to taking out of mind stone from vision's head . In marvels smartest list shuri is way below bruce banner besides bruce and tony are the one who brought vision to life.
In movie when Bruce meet Tony ,he was knowing more than enough of about infinity stones.In Ragnarok we haven't saw bruce searching information about infinity stones and when Thanos placed space stone in his gauntlets ,bruce was in hulk form and we know that bruce remembers nothing which he saws in his hulk form.
In movie when Bruce meet Tony ,he was knowing more than enough of about infinity stones.In Ragnarok we haven't saw bruce searching information about infinity stones and when Thanos placed space stone in his gauntlets ,bruce was in hulk form and we know that bruce remembers nothing which he saws in his hulk form.
So these 3 points are giving a strong support to this thoery that loki is posing as bruce banner.but this leaves us with 2 things.
Heimdall may know everything but the real knowledge of infinty stones is with Loki and Thor, so sending hulk to earth makes no sense.But in avengers part one loki made a lot of destruction on earth and in ragnarok as loki came to earth dr.strange vanished him. So it may be loki's paln to come on earth and he knew that anyone who could stop thanos is Dr.strange.So thats why he would have posed as bruce banner.
Heimdall may know everything but the real knowledge of infinty stones is with Loki and Thor, so sending hulk to earth makes no sense.But in avengers part one loki made a lot of destruction on earth and in ragnarok as loki came to earth dr.strange vanished him. So it may be loki's paln to come on earth and he knew that anyone who could stop thanos is Dr.strange.So thats why he would have posed as bruce banner.
So as we know in infinty war half of asgardian were able to escape from thanos including Valkyrie ,Gork and Meek.So most probably our hulk would be with them.So we could expect real hulk smash in avengers 4.
So as we know in infinty war half of asgardian were able to escape from thanos including Valkyrie ,Gork and Meek.So most probably our hulk would be with them.So we could expect real hulk smash in avengers 4.
According to the directors Russo Brothers ,hulk was there in original draft but they made some changes in the last moments.So this change most probably will be a twist according to this fan theory.
thanks for and comment down to tell who is bruce "loki or hulk"
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